


Student Showcase

We show students how to make compelling videos to support applications, helping open the door to more options.



For visual artists, we encourage and inspire creativity to build portfolios that get noticed.


For those interested in research, we help them make the right moves at the right time starting as early as 9th grade.

Our process was developed in-house, and has been piloted and honed for more than ten years. We make sure your teen gets into the right-fit school with maximum merit-based financial aid.

The GATE Advantage

I look forward to introducing you to the GATE advantage. Enrollment gives your student access to interactive, video-driven trainings, where they get college consulting, test prep, essays coaching, and effective support for their GPAs. 

Students love our easy-to-use trainings. With a series of clicks they are on their way.

GATE contains dozens of interactive video trainings featuring professional educators.

Showcasing our process

We organize everything with your student, with easy-to-follow graphs and careful attention to managing all deadlines. Here you see a sample student list for a student who is currently at UCSB and loving it. She received acceptance to the majority of these schools.

All enrollees get exclusive access to our unique content, like this score-raising 77-page eBook.

Parents and students alike love our easy-to-understand SAT/ACT Diagnostic Exam results. We give you proctoring instructions so you can do this in the comfort of your own home.


Here's what you get once they finish, professionally graded with feedback within 24-48 hours of you sending us their answer sheet.

We advise on testing timelines and all related details. No stress, no fuss.

Every session is carefully planned and adapted according to individual needs.


Showcasing our leadership

Members of the team at a training session with me at our offices.